The Weight We Carry

We have to, or at least have decided to, carry all our stuff through Spain. On busier routes you can have your backpack ferried from town to town for about 6 € a day per bag. That would add up and we are only really carrying about 20 pounds each so it would seem a bit wimpy. 

We are walking through a fairly developed part of Spain passing most days through several towns and villages – so water and food will be pretty available so we have no need to carry more food, or water than we need for the day. 
As packing guidance we hear over and over again that there are stores in Spain so don’t feel the need to bring lots of toiletries or any consumables as most everything we need will be available to buy as needed. 


Our rubber Birkenstocks arrived and were greeted with real enthusiasm. Really more than half the weight of the Keens that they will substitute and also scary fashionable!  I cycle a bit so can have the obsessive concern with weight that only a 260 pound Fred can. 

There are lots of stories of the heavy impractical items that are ditched in the auberges early on the trail as pilgrims become acquainted with the burden of carrying all their weight. I assume that all the debris was considered essential at some point. We will withhold any smugness until we have some actual experience. 

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